Generations of followers are witnessing their own climax. We've been forced to follow someone for many centuries to survive in different societies. There were times when Christianity had to be followed, because otherwise you couldn't trade anymore, earn. There were times, when communism had to be followed, albeit externally, because without it there was no way to take the desired position, get the desired status, get proper pay. We are following different legal fictions right now, even the state has become a fiction - a legal person, and we are a different fiction - a physical person. In nature this fiction does not exist, only in the world of papers, but our faith in this illusion does not allow our human nature and mission to be expressed. Also a virtual world, where people's attention is stolen, is full of opportunities to follow someone.
By following Christ for 2000 years, no one has ever become such. No one has become another Buddha for 2,500 years. No one will become what will theoretically know to the last detail, as this road is experienced in the head. You can only experience it, when your heart interrupts with the flow of life. Then a man becomes a live man beginning to experience the divine plan. In the presence of such live people, you may experience some part of this flow, but in order to experience it in full, you have to go your own way, which will not be repeatable and imitatable anymore.
IIt's time to stop following religions, ideologies, policies, all artificial programs, with what our mind are full of. We need to build schools that call not to follow the arrangements and programs but to create their own arrangements and program. This will lead to a new world in which we will all begin to experience life in its glory. We will be smart and loving. We will be like Christ, Buddha and other living people. We'll be enlightened. We'll be godhumans.
Don't follow someone, follow yourself. Draw attention to yourself, feel what your heart wants and start following these impulses that will lead you down your path. If anyone wants to follow you, drive them away, each one has a way to go.
We live in an interesting era. We are so sure we live a real life. That there is a job-career that provides stability, growth. A life that is not stable and with growth, on average, seems to us wrong. That is what we fear and avoid. We put our masks on, too, that we are aware that we control everything. Isn't it our fear, that we won't know all, that we won't be at our height? You think it must be high all the time, that relaxing is dangerous. All the time, we catch up. Cancer also visits the nation more in this context. Because we've been so keen that we don't love our body any more. And it's a signal to the subconscious that you have to start destroying your body. GOD resides in a man. What kind of person will give an order to his microspace, so the things will come together. So it's important to be aware of what you're talking about, what you think. Because where you are, what you do and what you get is a projection created by you.
We live in two realities, artificial and natural, a question is - which side are you? The question is also, in what reality do we, as humanity, find ourselves in? At the moment, we are rapidly going for artificial bees on EARTH. If they go extinct, we'll have 4 years left, as Einstein said. In the meantime, it would have to be possible to produce artificial bees so that we would not die. As you think, whether it's a natural or artificial direction, the trajectory we're moving along? Does it really not see humanity as being on an artificial side. We eat more and more harmful food that poisons us. Pesticides are already detected in breast milk. The baby is fed with artificial milk, is given an artificial teat, and children go to artificial training places - in kindergarten, elementary schools, secondary schools, high schools. Beyond such artificial teaching, there is very little creativity and naturality in us, about 2%*. As we grow up, we are in trends that are around, because unique solutions are no longer in our nature. We're going to work mostly in cities. We're getting programmed as a child: “Baby, what are you going to become when you grow big?” We have constant pressure from around for the time, for the future. Here we lose the feeling of no time HERE AND NOW and go into a time that has certain hours to do certain things. 8:30 Math, 9:15 Language, 10:10 Literature, 10:55 History, 11:35 lunch, 12:15 Sport, 13:10 Music. Its 12 years in a squirrel wheel. Then a higher school. And then a new wheel in the shape of a job, family. 7:00 rise, 8:00 child management, 8:30 at work (preferably), 12:30 lunch, 17:00 child management. At 19:00 I'm trying to get out. For dessert, it could yet be said, that women flush themselves to become a doll, men extend their penis with money and its manifestations in properties, positions.
* In New Zealand, testing 1600 children, 98% of children aged 3-5 showed a level of genius or higher in creative thinking. When testing the same children at the age of 8 – 32%. Testing them at the age of 13 — 10%. When testing 2,000 adults, only 2% of them did not automatically use yesterday's solutions to today's problems and opportunities.
Story moderator: TARS
The man has just imagined that he is a world navel, he knows everything and understands it. The king, the winner, the ruler of all nature. A man has become a primitive creature that can't take care of himself any more. He has been deliberately located to do so. If a man had to survive in the forest, he would die. He has returned all his skills to others. He has returned education issues to others. He has given away health issues to others. He has returned many sensitive questions to others. Some time ago, a man had a lot to do, or there were people in the family who could help it. We have brought our health back to the hands of pharmaceutical companies.Their purpose and mission are not to make us healthy, but to make us addicted and unwell. If we'll be more sick, they'll have more profits. We are just vegetables for them, which they grow for their own benefit. The same could be said for a lot of areas. Eating was once a strengthening of health, healing the body. At the moment, everybody mostly eats unhealthy food bought in supermarkets, which poisons and destroys us in the long term. And again, it has been boosted by people's selfishness, thinking about higher profits, thinking only of themselves and in the short term. All conventional farming has poisoned our land, valuable micro-organisms are no longer present in the land and food. We can also grow tomatoes on stone wool, but they'll just look like tomatoes, they'll be worth nothing. For the most part, all production produced for consumption has been generated by thinking about its own benefits, higher profits. The way out of this squirrel wheel is to support artisans, to buy from farmer who make bio food. It would be healthier to go back to the permakultural and grow the produce for themselves. This is the best way, because your contact with the earth gives soil and plants information about you, so the product grown in your hands is like medicines for you, which will compensate you for the trace elements that are missing in your body. Education has also become conventional. It's not good for us, it drives away from our appeals and talents. Ask a child in class 9 or 12 what their fascination is calling for. Clearly, less than 20% can answer this question. It shows that, overall, children have been relegated from their own way. In preschool, they could still answer the question with burning eyes. It could say about many systems. It's not for people, but it's for the system's employees, managers, owners.

A man can no longer translate nature, can't predict, see the causes and consequences of living in nature. When he lives in cities, he has lost his connection, he has come to the point that he sees himself only within the physical world. Has lost its spiritual, often already emotional dimension. This unseen will lead to great tears when life on earth becomes difficult. The earth loves all the living creature that lives on her. But the egomaniacs have so grown that she has nothing to do with wiping a lot off. With floods, heats, storms, earthquakes. The process has begun.
Story medium: TARS
Entertainment as a modern religion
When we're born, already someone are entertaining us. If we cry (which is healthy for lungs and emotional development), then we are tried to calm down and our attention is trying to deflect, do everything to start smiling again. We might have a whole lot of toys (which is moving away from our development) to make us interesting all the time. Look at babies, they prefer to pick things that are houshold ithems rather than toys (though they are designed to compete others in the fight for attention). These colorful plastic toys work against us because they do not promote our imaginations, emotionality, etc.,to create important values. Children say very often, “I'm bored”. Butt hat doesn't mean we, adults, have to go straight to the shop or organize a party or an adventure. For a child to become creative, he needs to experience boredom and get out of it himself. By allowing children to experience it, we must finally be glad to see how excited and happy the children indulge in their fictional activity.

We want children to be employed all the time, so that they don't think of any kind of misogyny. But to get to smart, we need all kinds of experience, including exposure to the negative side of life. To maintain creativity, we need a break between our busy - freedom. It is only in this freedom, between employment, that there is a chance to blossom the seed that has been put in us since birth.Children are all born creatively, genius in their thinking, expression.The children themselves want to explore the world, they are very knowledgeable. And here, we adults, sinning very often, wanting to help children. We're too concerned about them. We always want to stay at the bottom of something soft before the child falls. But a child has to experience this “fall” experience throughout his own magnificence. Very often, we also don't expect a child's reactions to the irritant, whether it would be any question or a life situation.Hurry up with your answer, advice. It encourages processes that can contribute to relaxing a child, reducing the expression of your will, silencing your (heart) voice. A child loses his thread of life with time, he forgets who he is and why he has come to the earth. In terms of educational jargon, he doesn't know what he wants to become. This is illustrated by the situation with young people in class 9. I've been meeting these youngsters for two years a month before making their choice, what to do next and they don't know the answer to that question. It just shows that the education system has taken her away so far that young people are very lost, confused.
And then, when a child has gone through this meat machine, he has become a citizen who can no longer think independently, take responsibility, be creative, brave, etc. All along, he has had people next to him (family, teachers) who have said ahead, what needs to be done, what the right answer is, what the goal of life is. The young citizen has atrophed, has returned his voice to others. And at this point, he is very uncritically starting to consume products that are the loudest (the most advertised). Very often they are purely commercial, with a desire for maximum profit, whether it is food, other goods, culture, entertainment, etc. Since we are no longer standing on our feet, our choice is determined by what others consume. We watch what are the most watched movies, concerts, otherconsumer goods. We choose these products because we want to belong to something. We are very afraid to stay alone, so we stand up to each other to consume together. Huge industries are being built on us to wipe out the energy of our lives so that we continue to be live zombies who return their lives to corporations. We're afraid to stop, go out of this game, think,think, think, understand that we're being chastised in these many systems we've been put in. We want to keep us entertained so that we just don't have to face ourselves because we are afraid to see who we are and why we are here. We fear that entertainment will end, electricity will disappear, and we will no longer be able to enjoy what we like. But no one has yet remained frustrated in this transition because we see how everything about entertainment and consumption has been fallacious. We understand the price we have paid in both our own and in the context of humanity. I could describe this feeling as waking up from a nightmare when we are still shaken by a tremor, but we are fortunate that it has only been a dream.
On which side are you?
Story medium: TARS
Photo from Pixabay
Killings of creativity
The most important task of the family, society, is to ensure that the genius and creativity of every infant, child, remains as long as possible. There must be schools where creativity is considered to be of primary value. Fortunately, this quality is increasingly appreciated globally. This was also highlighted in 2015 by theWorld Economic Forum as A TOP10 skill that every person in every professional field needs. Children for problems, challenges always use unique solutions, don't think within the box, aren't limited indecisions. With each year a child spends at a school where it is desirable to be serious and peaceful, where there are mostly the right answers, where are used only one hemisphere for analyzing, the child loses his natural creativity, his ability to be unique, and to devise creative solutions to all the problems he faces. In order to maintain creativity, it is necessary to create schools where each child has an individual training plan, exiting his or her interests, his motivation, his or her chosen path. Training, self-awareness and knowledge of the world must also be developed around this motivation. The young man will not have to be pushed and motivated, he will choose to be active, responsible, directing his own learning. The solution to preserving creativity could also be through home or distance learning.
This video shows an experiment that happens when we believe we're in a box. After a little time, we already accept this as the norm and believe that it is no longer possible.
In New Zealand, a unique test took place over a long time, involving 1600 children. 98% of children aged 3-5 showed a level of genius in creative thinking. When testing the same children at the age of 8 – 32%. When tested at the age of 13, only 10% is no longer available. Testing 2,000 adults, only 2% of them didn't automatically use yesterday's approach to today's problems, thought outside the box. Clearly, something in this system is fundamentally wrong when someone's creative potential falls so dramatically while he goes through the entire educational process.
Another action that cuts creativity is competition, comparison. When we come to school we are put on a runway where we have to compete with others for the title to be better, to be better class, to be a better school, etc. It makes us turn away from our path, where we don't have competitors, it's our unique path and mission that we've chosen in this life. Competition - at what point did this become the new paradigm that began to drive the world? I doubt him. The new paradigm is collaboration.
When designing a new school design, you need to think very much about applying both hemispheres of the brain and creating a network between them. Here, as a panacea, it has an arts education. Music, art, theater and dance must become the basis for the new approach. We need to learn the languages of different arts so that creativity remains. There are a great deal of research in the world that, through arts (especially music) activities, results are improving, including in school “core” subjects - in math and language, children are becoming more creative, there is better cooperation with teachers and classmates, children are becoming more confident about themselves, they have forecasting and forecasting capabilities. I could talk about this more and more, but I would write it in a different story.
An education that does not support creativity kills it. Luckily, it's not permanently. We can become creative again, only that will require a lot more effort, as in childhood. As adults, we already have a much harder time exiting our comfort zone, where everything is clear and we are in illusory safety. To be open, to look at the world with your eyes, as if you were seeing everything first, not to judge, not to give everything signs of your logical mind.
In addition to the development of our creativity, we need to create schools/ learning experiences where creativity is developed, creation is becoming a key asset. Then we will be able to leave this squirrel wheel, where the killing of creativity has already become the norm and, in one generation, the world and society will have changed, we will have gone back to our own path, which brings each of us back to ourselves. “Know yourself,” Sokrat said over 2400 years back.
Let us succeed in maintaining/ developing creativity! Let us be inline with ourselves and our own way!
Story medium: TARS
The man has just thought he was a king of nature. He is one of the rare in evolution eating his … relatives. The man has just imagined that he can eat everything he sees and his mind amplifies. The mind is like salt and sugar that helps us eat everything. A man at one point has imagined he can eat his siblings and sisters, at the next moment, has imagined he can push them into the paddocks so he can control them. But the man has yet to think that he can heal them into cages, where they are under constant stress, huddled, sawn, rustled with others in their own square inches or square meters (it would be a good experiment with people if they had to live. It would likely be mad after 1 week, with medicines maybe taken down to a month). People seem to have experienced a lot of negative feelings about such a life in which they have been martyrs, animals must be grateful that people have fed them (with shit (from an economic point of view, the most beneficial food). And then they are stripped of their skin over their eyes. The body is divided into pieces. And these pieces are cooked and convicted. The man has only imagined that eating this animal, a bird full of subversive energy, will be able to soothe his hunger. But once you've lost your foundation, your way, your spiritual connection, your hunger can no longer be assuaged. You become a consumer/predator willing to destroy anyone who is not in peace with your opinion. And this mess is not just about food, but also clothing, car, housing. The man's mind is that he can change clothes every year or even seasonally, thereby putting enormous pressure on the planet's ecosystem. The man has imagined he needs to improve the comfort of housing and movement, which he really doesn't need so much. A man has imagined that something can be privatised in nature, made self-owned, destroyed the ecosystem of this place, even shot if someone has entered his territory. A man has become such a great ego of Nature that he has raped the world. Converted him to unrecognized. In people's language, Fu...ed! I have to admit that I am one of them who has done it. But I started to wake up from this illusion in which we all find ourselves. I refuse systemic products. From meat, alcohol, tobacco produced in the system, I also try to reduce dairy products. I have refused a systemic school, my children learn at home.

Can you live differently? Can you live without consumerism? YOU CAN. You can live without a lot of things. Can also live without eating (see her stories). With every step we make choices. Every time we're in a store, we can choose to buy or not. In every step we can make a choice about whether or not to be a consumer or a friend of nature. One of us. The same divine fire burns in every living organism. The man has just imagined that his light, which makes his body move, is SUPERIOR, to that divine hung that burns in the animal. All flora and fauna.
Story medium: TARS
Photo from Pixabay
Corruption disease or how leaders are chosen today
How could we, as a society, ensure that, in positions where the fate of the people is being decided, there will be honest people with a sense of mission. In my opinion, everything is in the selection. At the moment, most of all competitions for public and local government positions are examining the applicant's knowledge, memory, so the intelligence factor (IQ), which shows the understanding of your physical world. But whether a person will perform his duties in good faith will depend on what this man has emotional intelligence (EQ) and mental intelligence (SQ). Strangely, these spheres have been forgotten for a long time. The Renaissance for EQ is coming, where more and more scientists, leaders are talking about this dimension, and society is also beginning to better understand the impact and relevance of this dimension in both personal and wider contexts. But we should go on and the people who apply for jobs where you have to decide on other people have to overcome the tests that reveal your EQ and SQ. This is my vision for reducing this disease.

All of us think how it is that people who are in positions where they have to decide for us, they decide against us. And the reason for this is a personal benefit offered by an individual/group in money, grain or pleasure. A man who first encounters such temptation is at a crossroads where I have to decide - I obey my conscience and continue to be a champion of people, or I continue to decide only in the interests of my own and my own little family. It is a decision on what path this man will be in the future. If a man has decided for himself, he is on the road below, where he can continue to be affected. He is no longer a decision-maker, he has become a puppet.
The question is why a person has chosen to go such a path because there is enough probability that at one point he begins to regret his initial choice. He's left without his backbone, his self-confidence is low, the crime he's committed is only a larger stormcloud that has a negative impact on the psyche and well-being.The reason for his actions is simple, I think, that man lives in a 3D world where the spiritual aspect is not present. The man hasn't woken up, he's still on the paths of delusion, driving after the delusions. If the human heart (EQ) and spirit (SQ) are in harmony with the body (IQ), then such a choice does not have to be made by a man, he will not take a decision against himself because the man has known cosmic laws.
The laws adopted by people are only a small part of what are laws in a cosmic context, they are interpreted, subjectly traversed, and, therefore, sometimes unjust. But there is one wisdom that is similar to all laws - the ignorance of the law does not absolve itself of responsibility.
I think we all know the vast majority of spiritual/cosmic laws and, until we have silenced our conscience, we are in harmony with them in the meantime. What you sow, you will mow it. Law on causes and consequences. The law of karma. The passage of this law also has consequences for those actions that are selfish, directed at themselves. Every one of your decisions you've made to the detriment of people will come back to you as a boomerang in this or some of your next lives. It's going to hit you or your relatives. Corruption is basically a deprivation, stealing. By your decision, you have deprived many of the opportunities, better, more comfortable, more sustainable, more meaningful life for others, to make it better for yourself and the tempter. But the tempter will also have his own lessons to go through.
Let us have a healthy body, open hearts and wake up spirit!
Story medium: TARS
Photo from Pixabay
How home education entered in our family
The idea of home training has lived more or less in us since the birth of the first child. It was rather an idea of child-led learning. My husband, whose education and profession are related to pedagogy, always shared information about advanced education, various thesis of the benefits of individual learning, and the results of studies, but I always refused to him that the vision was beautiful, but the greatest job in it would be for me, but I didn't feel ready for it at the time.
I am also associated with an education: I took up the profession of primary school teacher in high school, worked for a year at a private school founded by myself, attended Montesori and Valdorf pedagogical courses. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have to admit, that I am not a teacher in a classical sense, nor do I try to work for Valdorf, or use Montesori materials, but I improvised and reveal my real teacher's kernel in the training process with our children, but I will tell you more about it in another article.
We came naturally to home school, because at one point I could no longer tell myself or the children that school was the best place for them. When I was done with self-assessment, when asked how do I deal with it, I assumed we were just trying.
When the decision on home training was taken, the question of how to implement it was raised. We found the Universum School, which supports home-schooling families, which also helped us to complete all the formalities related to registration.
By the time we took this step, I had considered various risks, but I also watched my inner feelings about what this fear was, wher it came from, I could only guess what answers and solutions they might have. The real confidence and answers came only in the real process.
How am I going to deal with all my responsibilities, will I not be exhausted?
I could only assess my capabilities and energy in the process. Now, after about four months of home training, I can say that this form gives me more energy than it takes away. We live by our own rhythms, all of us sleeping, eating healthy food in time, helping each other, moving and resting. Thanks to hometraining, I feel like a good company with children, where it's always interesting. Better late than never.
Will such a learning model contribute to the realisation and socialisation of children?
By allowing myself to follow the interests and issues of the child, I organised the learning process around it and, given that this form of learning provides a lot of spare time, I organised suitable interest education rallies for them in a variety of developing areas where they also socialise. Continued socialisation is also happening in our family, because we are five and children are quite like age, two years apart for all three.
Will children be sufficiently able to join the group after long home learning experience?
Children have groups experience in non formal education clubs, meetings with relatives' children and friends, and camps.
Will I be able to ensure full and high quality learning?
I've found my approach to children's teaching work, guided by the child's interest and the basic principle of the question, and used classics one hour a day. I don't blame myself for taking the old good working sheets, writing books and tasks in bars. I feel I'm not worth fighting something that has been driven since I was a child in every cell and let in, because in such a time of change we live and our children have chosen it. The other hours of the day I can enjoy the super capabilities of my innovative teacher, I have to laugh, but it really inspires. And I believe that in every family, parents are the biggest scientists over what is needed for their children. The smaller the child, the bigger the scientists. A teacher lives in the heart of each parent, knowingly or unknowingly.
Will children not blame us in adulthood if the idea of home training has been a mistaken choice?
The only indicator is my conscience, if I feel that everything is going to happen, then we're on our way. We don't know what tests are ahead of us, we have to rely on. If the rebukes have to come, let it come.
Will I be able to have a strong authority for children, will they listen to me, and will my mother's role disappear?
This is really a real problem, disciplining yourself so that teaching goes into a rhythm, is consistent and understandable to the child. It has to be reached by everyone. I don't have any trouble with this. I work with the kids and also assume I can be busy or tired. Then I take free days. Both of us, me and my husband, at least for the time being, are comfortable enough with the children, we are able to keep the borders of respect and security, and the role of Mum and Daddy remains natural, nothing at any time has been an obstacle to this.
I don't know how to drive home teaching, how it will be, how to do it.
My skill in driving the child learning process is both successful and failing, and it's normal. To learn, the mistakes have to be. I still discovered a lot of new things about my skills, but the overall balance is positive, I see even more development and progress than I had expected. The Universum School, where children are registered, provides the family with good road bread for home teaching, a variety of digital training platforms, advice and support. We can contact school management or teachers at anytime for answers to questions.
Will the children be able to successfully pass all the necessary examinations so that they can continue their training in their chosen direction? What am I going to do if I don't know anything myself?
At the moment, I observed that the national education standard did not present any learning difficulties at a given age stage. If there are problems with more complicated topics, I consider finding a private teacher or looking for a group that could help.
How will children learn after primary school?
Nobody knows this right now, but I've heard good reviews about distance schools in Latvia and abroad. Then there's the approach to training around the world.
Story medium: IEVA
My voice
In the air recently, the topic of voting, giving up your own voice. I had a reflection on the subject that I wanted to share with. Of course, in the end, it all advanced to education.
We don't even remember when we started to give our voice to someone who promises to represent you and your interests. I believe we have lost a lot of our voice, our freedom to decide for ourselves, our children. And it's not here that we could change our voice representative every 4 years. I want my voice back on issues that affect my family. I know best what education, what health promotion is needed for my child. Our chance to decide everything with every century is diminishing. If you want to receive educational services that you think are quality and suitable for your children, then you pay for it yourself, if you want to born your children at home, then you pay for it again, etc. This is a question that could be influenced and changed so that the money would follow not to school or medical treatment, but to follow your child. I have not yet found anything to resonate with my voice on this issue.
Sometimes in the 19./20th century, we have transferred child development issues to others - the state, the local government, the school and the teachers and every moment we lose confidence and faith in the fact that we know best about our children's path, how to raise and develop them in the best way. His voice has also been given to someone else. Every family, Daddy and Mum, knows their child best and sees his enormous potential, his way of supporting and driving a child. In schools, however, we are still looking at the average: we are trying to improve average rates, we are creating a process that means that on average everyone is successful, all in the same direction and speed. Does it all have a solution? 'Yes!'
The education system needs to be built into individualised, focused on opening up and developing the potential of each child. Each has its own way, its own speed, without comparison with others. Only by myself - have I passed beyond yesterday, and the score is not like a selection in which I will belong - to the admirers, the mediocre or the unfortunate. The assessment is not for me, but for my work, explaining, supportive and motivating.
I've recovered my voice. All children was born at home, and we have taken children's development issues back from the state/local government/school to the family. Our children, too, have recovered their voices and understand that there is no small screw in the big machinery, but there are decision-makers about themselves, their own development, their own way. If we are more voters like this, our voice will return to us and our power to decide on our children, which will have a positive impact on the fate of each child and, in the end, the nation.
But I was still looking for what to give my voice to within the framework of the platform for democracy in this election. What are you going to vote for?
Story medium: TARS
Photo from Pixabay
Home schooling
We love home education! It's unbelievable how much it has given us! What fun, growth and opening. I have found my heartwork of the moment - to be a mom and a teacher of my children. I feel absolutely in my place. This required a lot of reflection and a lot of reception, but I now observed the huge contribution.Thank you for this opportunity for my husband.
I have a big surprise at how much is given by just one learning hour in the morning. There is a potential for deep concentration, and without unnecessary irritations you can learn a lot and a lot. Children are given the opportunity to dig into their own interests, the training is life-related, there is even more motivation, and then the inner circle revolves from itself. I'm prepared to give the kids the whole kitchen and the rest of their possessions when they're inspired to cook something. Of course, I am present to show the tools and pathways that could help to come to the outcome, but to support the creativity of children as a key task, and to let them go wrong.
With the excellent support of the Universum School (Latvia, Valmiera), we have a digital foreign language learning program that works surprisingly well, I don't have to stiffen about this at all. Other digital tools are good support, but we like the school of life best.
I have a wonderful group of home teaching because they are three children who constantly also teach and develop each other. They also visit different groups, which also contribute to development - music, movement, crafts, the digital world. We have all the time, all museums, libraries, interest education groups, events and nature, and time in a family that is not interchangeable with anything else.
It's our way. And I hope that the ManaTaka association will come alive and regain its strength to promote a loving, creating and meaningful educational opportunity for all children.
Story medium: IEVA
Photo from Pixabay
Education management
The educational establishment is an organisation that should drive the evolution of the world, because in schools we collaborate with future citizens, employees, preparing them for a time that will be after 5, 10, 20 years. It makes us focus not only on what it has been and how it is now, but much more on what it might be. Theories and practices are increasingly emerging in the world, which also states that we need to learn from the future (U theory). This means that everyone, especially the head of an educational establishment should be able to see the unique path and the school of their future after 5, 10, 20 years to aspire to.
I believe that the average management model in educational establishments has served its own. It is a noticeably hierarchic alone which, in such times of change as it is now (and will continue to be), prevents the adoption of operational, valuable and understandable decisions. According to the theory of organizational evolution (F.Laloux, R.Kegan), schools are currently 2 big steps away from management trends in the world. Currently, schools are in transition from the army-type hierarchy, approach and values (monopoly, control, domination, hierarchy, order, stability, predictability, formal roles) to the business-type hierarchy, approach and values (competition, profits, efficiency, innovation, ambition, responsibility), but many organisations around the world are gradually moving away from such approaches, looking for new ways to be successful in the huge global market, which is also being driven by education. Productivity is one of the challenges around the world in both the public and private sectors, and pronounced hierarchical models are not successful in the long term in keeping both individuals and the development, motivation and quality of the whole organisation.
For the last two years I have studied quality management in the RTU and see trends in the world going on in this area. At present, there is an increasing use of business approach and tools in the management of the educational establishment, and it is perfectly legal that educational institutions are seeking to introduce quality management systems that allow a much better control of processes, quality and placing the main recipient of the service at the centre of the process, which is already a huge step forward in order to make the services more high-quality. Over the last 2 years, I have introduced an EFQM quality management approach in the educational establishment, developing more appropriate processes, self-evaluation and development planning of the institution under this model. However, more and more researchers and thinkers point out that control does not go hand in hand with creativity, which is very necessary today in every organisation and, at the moment, quality management is in the process of changing the paradigm from the quality system to the quality principles. At least in the field of services.
In general, the relationship between employees with work needs to be more personal, it is more a story about me, whether I am in the right place and time, whether it is in values and everything that is acceptable to me in the organisation, whether I have a sufficiently large influence on the processes in the organisation, decision-making, setting targets. This becomes possible if an organisation is more managed by organisation management models that are more linear - an organisation, such as a “family” with values such as cooperation, shared values, good sharing, engagement, decentralisation (10% of organisations worldwide are managed according to this model) or an organisation such as an “ecosystem” with values such as self-management, a whole, confidence and evolution (1%). At the moment, no organisation in the world works within a single model, it uses something of every approach, but one of them dominates. In my vision, it is the last time in the field of education to move to one of the 2 advanced management approaches in order to cope with all the changes that are now entering and continuing to enter each educational institution. These approaches have partly been used and implemented in my past work in the schools, and we have been very successful in making this school more recognizable, influential, demanding.
In my opinion, management processes are of paramount importance, since the leader and his team depend to a large extent on whether the planned development will take place. In any case, direct introducers will always be educators who have direct work with students in the main process, so the continued training, motivation, involvement, empowerment of teachers will be something that facilitates or does not contribute to the introduction of a “great plan” at school.
A little comment on the picture. The education system is currently undergoing a paradigm shift from director and teacher, as boss to director and teacher, as leaders trying to inspire and motivate others. I think there needs to be another paradigm shift here: leader is increasingly delegating leadership to teachers, while teachers give leadership to their students. Students take much more leadership on themselves, their own growth to get to where everyone wants. In my vision, quality and appropriate education in the 21 st century lies in individual training. Not everyone in the same direction and speed, but each in their own direction and at their own speed.
Story medium: TARS
Photo from Pixabay
Let's go our own path
We're a family walking on trails, not highways. There are not many people who walk along these paths, so we want to share our unique experience to inspire others to be brave to go their own ways. There are times when our path is brought into a sufficiently overgrown forest where people have not taken their feet long ago, but it does not force us to turn back. We purify the path and we're back on the path.
We have decided to create our own blog, where we will tell stories about home. On the homefurnishings we have witnessed with all 3 children, on the home teaching in which we take our first steps, on the body as a home, on life in nature and in accordance with it. In our view, everything about home will start a Renaissance in the near future.