The man has just imagined that he is a world navel, he knows everything and understands it. The king, the winner, the ruler of all nature. A man has become a primitive creature that can't take care of himself any more. He has been deliberately located to do so. If a man had to survive in the forest, he would die. He has returned all his skills to others. He has returned education issues to others. He has given away health issues to others. He has returned many sensitive questions to others. Some time ago, a man had a lot to do, or there were people in the family who could help it. We have brought our health back to the hands of pharmaceutical companies.Their purpose and mission are not to make us healthy, but to make us addicted and unwell. If we'll be more sick, they'll have more profits. We are just vegetables for them, which they grow for their own benefit. The same could be said for a lot of areas. Eating was once a strengthening of health, healing the body. At the moment, everybody mostly eats unhealthy food bought in supermarkets, which poisons and destroys us in the long term. And again, it has been boosted by people's selfishness, thinking about higher profits, thinking only of themselves and in the short term. All conventional farming has poisoned our land, valuable micro-organisms are no longer present in the land and food. We can also grow tomatoes on stone wool, but they'll just look like tomatoes, they'll be worth nothing. For the most part, all production produced for consumption has been generated by thinking about its own benefits, higher profits. The way out of this squirrel wheel is to support artisans, to buy from farmer who make bio food. It would be healthier to go back to the permakultural and grow the produce for themselves. This is the best way, because your contact with the earth gives soil and plants information about you, so the product grown in your hands is like medicines for you, which will compensate you for the trace elements that are missing in your body. Education has also become conventional. It's not good for us, it drives away from our appeals and talents. Ask a child in class 9 or 12 what their fascination is calling for. Clearly, less than 20% can answer this question. It shows that, overall, children have been relegated from their own way. In preschool, they could still answer the question with burning eyes. It could say about many systems. It's not for people, but it's for the system's employees, managers, owners.

A man can no longer translate nature, can't predict, see the causes and consequences of living in nature. When he lives in cities, he has lost his connection, he has come to the point that he sees himself only within the physical world. Has lost its spiritual, often already emotional dimension. This unseen will lead to great tears when life on earth becomes difficult. The earth loves all the living creature that lives on her. But the egomaniacs have so grown that she has nothing to do with wiping a lot off. With floods, heats, storms, earthquakes. The process has begun.
Story medium: TARS